quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009


Se ficou por cá aproveite para redescobrir Lisboa. Passeie-se pela Baixa, suba até ao Miradouro de Nossa Senhora do Monte ou sinta-se um turista viajando pelo velhinho eléctrico 28.

Clique em http://www.portugaltrails.com/pt/showCity.php?id=40&s=0

e veja o que mais poderá descobrir em Lisboa.

During August there is less traffic in Lisbon, since most Portuguese are taking their holidays on the beach. It is the perfect time to visit this beautiful city.

Amble through Lisbon’s cobblestone streets, relax in one of its many cafés and do not miss the opportunity to visit Lisbon’s museums. Click on


and find out why Lisbon is awaiting you

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009


Rainy weather and no beach! How can you keep your kids entertained?

Drive to Alter do Chão in Alentejo and visit Alter Real Stud Farm. The kids will love the horses as well as all the activities! For further information on prices and schedules click on:


O que fazer com os miúdos num dia chuvento e sem praia?

Sugestão Portugaltrails:
Leve-os até Alter do Chão e visite a Coudelaria de Alter Real. Os miúdos vão adorar os cavalos e todas as actividades. Para mais informações sobre preços e actividades clique em:

sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2009

Vencedor do Concurso de Fotografia / Photo Contest Winner

Senhoras e Senhores...A vossa atenção por favor!

E o vencedor do Concurso de Fotografia da Portugaltrails é... Rui Lourenço!!!Muitos Parabéns!!!

Lisboa à Noite é encantadora e a foto captou essa magia!

Ladies and Gentlemen...Your attention please!

The Portugaltrails Photo Contest Winner is... Rui Lourenço!!!Congratulations!

Lisbon by night is absolutely delightful and your picture captured its magic!

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2009

Weekend break tips / Dicas de Fim-de-semana

This weekend you MUST come to Oeiras, Estoril, Cascais... Everything is happening around here! Lisbon coast is waiting for you!

Oeiras - Oeiras Alive concerts with bands such as the Metallica, Placebo, Black Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band, and many others!!! Concerts will be by the Tagus River

Estoril - Handicrafts market! Nice restaurants, concerts and beautiful handicrafts! This market is close to the Casino, where you can always go for a drink or try out your luck!

Cascais -Cool Jazz Fest! Jazzanova band at Cascais Citadel. Enjoy this wonderful sound overlooking the sea...

Este fim-de-semana TEM que vir a Oeiras, Estoril, Cascais... Tudo se passa aqui! A costa de Lisboa está à sua espera.

Oeiras - Oeiras Alive concertos com bandas como os Metallica, Placebo, Black Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band, e muito mais!!! Concertos junto ao Passeio Marítimo de Algés.

Estoril - Feira de Artesanato! Bons restaurantes, concertos e produtos artesanais bem giros! Esta feira localiza-se junto ao Casino, onde poderá beber uma bebida ou tentar a sua sorte!

Cascais -Cool Jazz Fest! Jazzanova na Cidadela de Cascais. Desfrute de um som maravilhoso junto ao mar.

Para mais informações/For further information:

(+351) 214 851 476

sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2009


Lisbon by night.

An excellent photo by Rui Lourenço!

An invitation to all those who haven't visited Lisbon yet,
one of the most charming cities in Europe.

Click on http://www.portugaltrails.com/en/showCity.php?id=38 to obtain more information about this beautiful city.

Lisboa à noite.

Uma excelente fotografia de Rui Lourenço!

Esta foto é um convite irresistível para todos aqueles que ainda não descobriram uma das mais belas cidades da Europa.

Clique em http://www.portugaltrails.com/pt/showCity.php?id=38 para obter mais informações sobre a capital de Portugal.

quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009

Weekend break tips / Dicas de fim-de-semana

We know you are addicted to our thursday tips! We won't let you suffer anymore.

Our weekend break tip is ... GO ON A SIDECAR RIDE!

Lisbon - Cascais : This ride will take you along the "Marginal" road, boasting spendid views over the river and the ocean, numerous beaches and forts.

Sabemos que já não vive sem as nossas dicas de 5ªf! Não o faremos sofrer mais.

A nossa dica para este fim-de-semana é... DÊ UM PASSEIO DE SIDECAR!

Neste passeio percorrerá a famosa estrada Marginal que liga Lisboa a Cascais pela costa. Poderá admirar as pequenas enseadas, as fortalezas da linha e as praias onde apetece parar para saborear o sol e o mar.

Para mais informações e preços contacte-nos!

(+351) 214 851 476

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009


Piódão, uma aldeia do centro de Portugal.

Foto de Ana Filipa Scarpa.

Para descobrir mais sobre esta zona vá até

Piódão village, in central Portugal.

Congratulations to Ana Filipa Scarpa!!

Go to
http://www.portugaltrails.com/ to find out more about this region in Portugal.

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

This week's winner! / O vencedor desta semana!

"Lagoa de Melides, Alentejo"

We already have a winner! Congratulations to Joana Silva!

Já temos o nosso vencedor da segunda semana do concurso! Parabéns à Joana Silva!

Obrigado a todos os participantes que nos enviaram as suas melhores fotografias de Portugal! Lembrem-se que todas as 6ªs feiras publicamos a melhor foto!Continuem a enviar pois até 10 de Julho seleccionaremos o vencedor que irá passar uma magnífica noite numa Pousada de Portugal à escolha. Divirtam-se!

Thank you all for your participation! We would like to remind you that we will post the best shot of the week every Friday!Keep on sending us your photos. On 10th July we will pick the winner that will spend a wonderful night at a Portuguese Pousada of your choice. Have fun!

Send your pictures to info@portugaltrails.com

Envie as suas fotos para info@portugaltrails.com

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Dicas de Fim-de-semana / Weekend break tips

Esta semana visite Lisboa! A cidade está em festa!

This week visit Lisboa! The city is ready to party!

Vá até à FeirAlegria

Se aprecia artesanato, escultura, bijutaria, serigrafia e pintura e, claro, o contacto com a natureza, então não deixe de passar no Jardim Alfredo Keil, também denominado Jardim da Praça da Alegria, e visite a "FeirAlegria", onde novos criadores e artesãos têm oportunidade de dar a conhecer os seus trabalhos. (Sábado e domingo das 10h00 às 19h00)

Go over to FeirAlegria

If you enjoy crafts, sculpture, jewelery, silkscreen and painting and, of course, the contact with nature, then be sure to pass by Garden Alfredo Keil, also called the Garden of Praça da Alegria and visit the "FeirAlegria", where new designers and craftsmen have the opportunity to make known its work. (Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00)

A nossa sugestão de um fim-de-semana em Lisboa

Dia 1

Se está cheio de energia, sugerimos um passeio a pé por Lisboa. Pode também fazer um passeio a bordo do famoso 28.

Dia 2

Visite a baixa e sinta o verdadeiro rebuliço da cidade. É também nesta área que encontrará as mais antigas e tradicionais lojas. Suba uma das colinas e desfrute dos fantásticos miradouros ou da vista do Castelo de São Jorge. Visite a Sé de Lisboa e o bairro mouro de Alfama. Almoce num café perto do rio e aprecie a luz de Lisboa ser reflectida na água tal e qual um espelho. À tarde visite Belém, a zona da cidade dedicada aos descobrimentos Portugueses. Aqui poderá visitar a Torrde de Belém e o Padrão dos Descobrimentos. Não perca o fabuloso Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, construído em estilo manuelino.

Conduza ao longo da marginal (estrada paralela ao rio) e descubra as cidades costeiras de Estoril e Cascais. Continue pela costa e pare no Cabo da Roca. Aqui será surpreendido pela vista deslumbrante do ponto mais ocidental da Europa Continental. Siga para Sintra, uma vila de montanha, considerada Património da Humanidade pela UNESCO. No centro localiza-se o espetacular Palácio Nacional de Sintra com as suas duas chaminés. No topo, o Palácio da Pena, também é merecedor da sua visita. Prove a saborosa pastelaria regional.

Our suggestion for a Lisbon Tour

Day 1
If you feel full of energy we suggest a walk in Lisboa downtown or a small tour on Tram 28.

Day 2

Visit the downtown (“Baixa”) and feel the hustle and bustle of city life. It is also in this district that you will find Lisbon’s oldest and most traditional shops. Go up the hill and discover wonderful viewpoints from Saint George Castle. Visit the Lisboa’s Sé and the old Moorish quarter of Alfama.Have lunch at one of the restaurants by the river Tagus and enjoy the light of Lisboa being reflected in the water just like a mirror. In the afternoon visit Belém, the quarter dedicated to the Portuguese discoveries where you find the Tower of Belém and the Discoveries Monument. The fabulous manueline style of Jerónimos Monastery cannot be missed.

Drive along the “marginal” (road parallel to the river) and discover the Coastal resorts of Estoril and Cascais. Enjoy the beautiful gardens of the Estoril Casino and have lunch at Cascais . There are excellent restaurants in this area.Continue along the coast, stop at Cabo da Roca and be surprised by a stunning view from the westernmost point of continental Europe.Drive to Sintra, a mountain village that is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In the centre lies the spectacular Sintra National Palace with its twin chimneys. Taste some of the wonderful regional pastries.
Para mais informações e preços contacte-nos info@portugaltrails.com
For further information and prices contact us info@portugaltrails.com

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009

This week's winner! / O vencedor desta semana!

"Monte Clérigo Beach, Aljezur"
"Praia de Monte Clérigo, Aljezur"

We already have a winner! Congratulations to Sven Oliver from Germany!

Já temos o nosso vencedor da segunda semana do concurso! Parabéns ao Sven Oliver da Alemanha!

Obrigado a todos os participantes que nos enviaram as suas melhores fotografias de Portugal! Lembrem-se que todas as 6ªs feiras publicamos a melhor foto!

Continuem a enviar pois até 10 de Julho seleccionaremos o vencedor que irá passar uma magnífica noite numa Pousada de Portugal à escolha. Divirtam-se!

Thank you all for your participation! We would like to remind you that we will post the best shot of the week every Friday!

Keep on sending us your photos. On 10th July we will pick the winner that will spend a wonderful night at a Portuguese Pousada of your choice. Have fun!

Send your pictures to info@portugaltrails.com
Envie as suas fotos para info@portugaltrails.com

sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

This week's winner! / O vencedor desta semana!

"Castelo de Idanha-a-Nova ao luar"
"Idanha-a-Nova castle by night"

We already have a winner! Congratulations to Pedro Maria Castello Branco!

Já temos o nosso primeiro vencedor desta semana! Parabéns ao Pedro Maria Castello Branco!

Obrigado a todos os participantes que nos enviaram as suas melhores fotografias de Portugal! Lembrem-se que todas as 6ªs feiras publicamos a melhor foto!

Continuem a enviar pois até 10 de Julho seleccionaremos o vencedor que irá passar uma magnífica noite numa Pousada de Portugal à escolha. Divirtam-se!

Thank you all for your participation! We would like to remind you that we will post the best shot of the week every Friday!

Keep on sending us your photos. On 10th July we will pick the winner that will spend a wonderful night at a Portuguese Pousada of your choice. Have fun!

Send your pictures to info@portugaltrails.com

Envie as suas fotos para info@portugaltrails.com

Concurso Melhor Fotografia de Portugal - Ganhe um fim-de-semana!!!

Envie-nos a sua melhor foto. Dê-nos o seu melhor! Tirou uma fotografia de Portugal da qual está mesmo orgulhoso?! Envie-nos as suas fantásticas fotos. Pode ser uma paisagem, um monumento, um animal, uma flor... Tem é que ser em Portugal!

A melhor fotografia ganha um fim-de-semana!!!

A Portugaltrails irá receber durante 6 semanas as melhores fotografias de Portugal, e todas as semanas será eleita a melhor da semana. Esta será publicada todas as 6ªfs no nosso blog. A melhor fotografia ganhará destaque no nosso site em http://www.portugaltrails.com/ e o fotógrafo desfrutará de uma maravilhosa noite para dois numa Pousada à sua escolha!

Queremos é que participe e que aproveite a magnífica oferta que temos para si!

Para participar só tem que subscrever a nossa newsletter no site http://www.portugaltrails.com/, preenchendo o seu nome e email. As fotografias deverão ser enviadas para info@portugaltrails.com.

O Júri é composto pela gerência da Portugaltrails e as fotografias poderão ser utilizadas no nosso site, devidamente identificadas.

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009

Weekend Tips #3 / Dicas de Fim-de-Semana

This week we suggest a long weekend since many of you are already on holiday!
Visit BIME - Bienal Internacional de Marionetas de Évora
The International "fair" of Puppetry of Évora (BIME) starts this Tuesday afternoon (2n June - 7th June), with the participation of 21 companies, from the different corners of the world, which will present 78 performances, many of them outdoors in the main squares of the city.

Esta semana a nossa sugestão é de 5 dias, visto que muitos já estão de férias!
Visite a BIME - Bienal Internacional de Marionetas de Évora

A Bienal Internacional de Marionetas de Évora (BIME) começa, esta terça-feira à tarde, com a participação de 21 companhias, de diferentes cantos do mundo, que vão apresentar 78 espectáculos, muitos deles ao ar livre nas principais praças da cidade.

(in http://tsf.sapo.pt/PaginaInicial/Vida/Interior.aspx?content_id=1251265)

Day 1

Drive to Évora. Évora is laid out over a gently sloping hill rising out of the huge Alentejo plain. It guards its historic centre with a vast outer wall and represents a valuable cultural legacy that UNESCO has classified World Heritage. Places of particular interest: The Roman Temple, Cathedral, Évora University, Nossa Senhora da Graça Church.For those who are particularly fond of archaeology, the region of Évora boasts an exceptional concentration of pre-historic megalithic testimonies, such as dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs.Cromeleque dos Almendres lies just a few kilometers off Évora and is worth a visit.

Overnight in Évora.

Dia 1

Partida para Évora. Évora recorta-se sobre uma suave colina no vasto horizonte da planície alentejana, e guarda o seu centro histórico, rodeado de uma vasta cintura de muralhas, uma valiosa herança cultural que a UNESCO classificou de Património da Humanidade. Lugares de interesse: O Templo Romano, a Catedral,a Universidade de Évora,a Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça. Para os amantes da arqueologia, a região de Évora tem uma excepcional concentração de monumentos pré-históricos e megalíticos, tais como, Dolmens, Menires e Cromeleques. O Cromeleque dos Almendres está apenas a uns quilometros da cidade de Évora e merece uma visita.

Alojamento em Évora.

Day 2
Évora / Monsaraz / Serpa / Beja / Évora

Get to know the beautiful small villages around Évora. Situated on top of a hill, Monsaraz offers a fantastic view of the surrounding landscape and the delightful waters of the Alqueva dam. A place you really should not miss. In Serpa taste the delicious local cheese. In Beja visit the convent is closely linked to the story of Sister Mariana Alcoforado, who is buried there. Taste the local wonderful cuisine in one of the many restaurants in the Alentejo!

Overnight in Évora.

Dia 2
Évora / Monsaraz / Serpa / Beja / Évora

Descubra as lindas vilas e aldeias à volta de Évora. Situada no topo de um monte, Monsaraz goza ainda de uma fabulosa vista, a que a proximidade das águas da barragem do Alqueva veio dar encanto. É um dos locais que não poderá perder na sua visita ao Alentejo. Em Serpa prove o delicioso queijo. Em Beja, visite o convento que está ligado à história de Mariana Alcoforado, que se encontra aqui sepultada. Prove a gastronomia regional num dos muitos bons restaurantes do Alentejo!

Alojamento em Évora.

Day 3
Évora / Vila Viçosa / Estremoz / Marvão or Castelo de Vide

Leave Évora and drive to Vila Viçosa. Vila Viçosa’s Paço Ducal was one of the favourite residences of the Portuguese royal family for centuries. Though a bit long, a guided tour of this Palace should not be neglected, for its 17th and 18th century furniture, tapestries, European and Oriental porcelain as well as paintings and glassware.We suggest you stop at Estremoz, not only to have lunch, but also for the city’s rich cultural heritage, namely the medieval castle and fortifications and Santa Maria Church.Leave Estremoz in the afternoon.

Overnight in Marvão or Castelo de Vide according to availability.

Dia 3
Évora / Vila Viçosa / Estremoz / Marvão or Castelo de Vide

Parta de Évora para Vila Viçosa. O Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa foi durante séculos a residencia favorita da Família Real Portuguesa. Apesar de um pouco longa, a visita guiada deste Palácio vale a pena. Pela seu mobiliário português (séculos XVII e XVIII), tapeçarias portuguesas e flamengas (séculos XVI-XVIII), porcelanas europeias e orientais, assim como faiança e majólica também dos séculos XVI-XVIII.Sugerimos uma paragem em Estremoz, não só para almoçar, mas também pela rica herança cultural da cidade, nomeadamente, o castelo medieval e fortificações e a Igreja de Santa Maria. Parta de Estremoz ao final do dia.

Alojamento em Marvão or Castelo de Vide de acordo com a disponibilidade.

Day 4
Marvão / Castelo de Vide

Drive to Marvão/Castelo de Vide through Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede. While in Marvão take a walk through the small streets and picturesque corners. Visit the Church of Santa Maria, converted into a museum.Castelo de Vide which will reveal as an enchanting small town with the ancient Jewish Quarter with its white-washed houses.

Overnight in Marvão or Castelo de Vide according to availability.

Dia 4
Marvão / Castelo de Vide

Siga para Marvão atravessando o Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede. Em Marvão dê um passeio a pé através das ruazinhas e cantinhos pitorescos. Visite a Igreja de Santa Maria, que é hoje um museu. Castelo de Vide vai revelar-se uma vila encantada com a sua antiga Judiaria e as casinhas caiadas de branco.Castelo de Vide which will reveal as an enchanting small town with the ancient Jewish Quarter with its white-washed houses.Alojamento em Marvão or Castelo de Vide de acordo com a disponibilidade.

Day 5
Marvão / Castelo de Vide / Óbidos / Lisbon

Relax in this quiet town or drive to Óbidos. When entering the delightful town of Óbidos, you will be travelling back in time. Walk through the walls of this town, with white houses adorned with bougainvilleas and honeysuckle. Be sure to visit the Saint Mary Church,the pretty Capela de São Martinho and the castle (a Pousada nowadays). Have a wonderful lunch in Óbidos and return to Lisbon.

Dia 5
Marvão / Castelo de Vide / Óbidos / Lisboa
Passe a manhã a descansar nesta calma vila ou siga para Óbidos. Ao entrar na maravilhosa vila de Óbidos, vai voltar atrás no tempo. Atravesse as muralhas da vila e descubra as casas caiadas de branco adornadas por buganvilias e madressilva. Não perca a Igreja de Santa Maria, a linda Capela de São Martinho e o castelo (que é hoje uma Pousada). Tenha um magnifico almoço em Óbidos. Regresso.

Please note:

Portugaltrails can adapt this tour to your specific needs or design a tailor-made tour exclusively for you. Contact us.


A Portugaltrails pode adaptar este tour às suas necessidades específicas ou desenhar um completamente novo à sua medida. Contacte-nos.

sábado, 30 de maio de 2009

Subscribe to our newsletter/Subscreva a nossa newsletter

To receive our newsletter you just have to go to http://www.portugaltrails.com/

Para receber a nossa newsletter só tem que ir a http://www.portugaltrails.com/

Bottom of our homepage, right-hand side! Have fun! :)

No final na página inicial, do lado direito! Divirta-se! :)

PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - Win a Weekend Off!!!

Best Portugal Picture. Win a Weekend off!
Send us your pics. Give us your best shot. Taken a really great photo of Portugal that you are proud of? Then we want to see it. Send us your stunning snaps. It can be a landscape, a monument, an animal, a flower... It has to be somewhere in Portugal!
During 6 weeks (until 9th July 2009!) Portugaltrails will be receiving the best pictures of Portugal and every week we will post the best picture of the week on our blog.
The best picture will be published on our website www.portugaltrails.com and you will win a fantastic weekend (1 night) at a Pousada of your choice.
We just want you to participate and enjoy this wonderful night we have to offer!
To participate you just have to subscribe to our newsletter on our website www.portugaltrails.com, fill in your name and email address. Pictures should be sent to info@portugaltrails.com.
The juri is composed by Portugaltrails' managers and all pictures can be used by us on our site!

Portugaltrails new office! / Novo escritório da Portugaltrails

Check out our new office!
We have moved to an office at Cascais a few months ago! Now we feel like we have a new office because our friend Xana painted and decorated it! It is now a refreshing new space! A red wall with beautiful Portugal pictures chosen by Gabriela.
Vejam o nosso novo escritório!
Mudámo-nos há uns meses para um escritório em Cascais! Agora sentimos que temos um escritório novo porque a nossa amiga Xana pintou-o e decorou-o! Está um espaço mesmo agradável! Uma parede em tons de vermelho com fotografias lindas de Portugal escolhidas pela Gabriela!

Vanessa, Gabriela e Eduardo

We will keep you posted on the office decoration! :)

Vamos mantê-lo informado sobre a decoração do nosso escritório! :)

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

Weekend break Tips #2

As we promissed last week we're back to give you the best ideas on what to do during the weekend!

This week it seems the Summer has decided to arrive earlier and we're all wishing for a cool dive in the sea!

We suggest you spend your weekend at Sagres in the Algarve.


29th May

Departure to Sagres

"The promontory, with its wild and rare beauty, was the site chosen for a fortress that is now one of Portugal’s most legendary spots. "

Overnight at Pousada de Sagres.

"Pousada de Sagres, Infante, is located in the fishing village of Sagres, Algarve. This hotel has a superb position on the cliff-top overlooking Sagres fort and the lighthouse of Cape St Vicent, the most south westerly corner of Europe."

30th May

After spending the night of your dreams on the cliff top, wake up to the view over the headland and the sea disappearing into the horizon, we suggest a visit to Sagres. Make sure to visit the lighthouse in the Cape of São Vicente after whom this stretch of coastline has been named and the nearby Sagres promontory that housed the famous nautical school founded by the Infante D. Henrique in the 15th century. Discover the mysteries of this unique part of the Algarve and the fantastic view over the Atlantic Ocean from the headland.

31st May

Sagres / Lagos / departure

Today we suggest a visit to Lagos. At Lagos, the emphasis is definitely on the sea. Just enjoy the scenery all around you, whether you’re sitting on the terrace of the fortress, with its magnificent view of the bay and the marina, or strolling amidst the rock formations of the headland of Ponta da Piedade with its breathtaking views over the sea.

Hope you enjoy your weekend out! For more tips contact us!

sábado, 23 de maio de 2009

June Holidays - What's happening in Portugal?

June 10th

We celebrate the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities. The Presidency of the Republic appointed Santarém as the seat of the celebrations this year.
This city hosts at the same time, the National Agriculture Fair / Fair in Ribatejo. That same day, Ponte de Lima holds another edition of the "Cow of the Strings", a tradition that dates back to 1646. It is a kind of bullfight outdoors through the streets of the town, where a bull is led by dozens of people to Church, where he is given a "bath" of red wine. Then the bull gives three turns around the church, and finally it is taken to the centre of the town, where it is held a "bullfight."

June 11th

We celebrate the "Body and blood of God". Across the country, there are processions, communions and the streets are decorated with floral carpets. The ceremonies are observed in Minho in Trás-os-Montes, in the Douro, the Algarve, in Estremadura, in the Alentejo, Algarve, Madeira and the Azores. At Monção, after the traditional procession through the streets of the town, the locals and visitors go up to the Campo do Souto to assist the fight of good over evil, between S. George and the Dragon (Coca or Coca Rabixa - in the picture).

June 13th

Saint Anthony's day, Patron Saint of Lisbon, and known as the Holy matchmaker. Between weddings and dancing ("bailaricos") , the popular party gets to the whole country. In the capital, thousands of people go to the small old districts to assist the traditional "arraiais". There are also traditional costumes parades through the streets. But the party is not only in Lisbon. The day of the Franciscan friar, protector of the poor, is honored in North and South of Portugal.

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

Restaurant Week Lisbon

Democratize access to the restoration of quality is the motto of Lisbon Restaurant Week, which began yesterday and offers guests the option of lunch or dinner in some of the most respected forums for restoration of the city for 20 euros.


From today on we will post weekend break tips for you!

Visit us every Thursday!

This week's tip will take you to the Alentejo!

IV Islamic Festival of Mértola

2009 is year of Islamic Festival in Mértola. From 21 to 24 May, you will see odalisque and music in every corner and the streets of this Alentejo town will become a huge "Souk". We are in the Alentejo - and Maghreb is here and so close.


22nd May

Departure to Beja.

Overnight at Pousada de Beja - São Francisco.

"In the former 13th century Franciscan Convent located in the heart of the historical centre of Beja, we find the impressive Pousada Beja Hotel, São Franscisco. The first records of this Convent, date from the 10th November of 1268, marking the donation of lands, for its construction, from Paio Pires to Lopo Esteves. This luxury hotel in Beja combines the mystic monument with the needs of today's standards of well-being and comfort. The Pousada has an excellent service and offers the best regional grastronomy in its restaurant. The environment allows guests to relax both body and mind. A true oasis in the Alentejo plain. "

23rd May

Today we suggest you spend your day in Mértola and enjoy the IV Islamic Festival of Mértola!
This town was called Myrtilis by the Romans and was an important place in southern Iberia. In the Middle Ages it was enclosed by walls, the ruins of which can still be seen today. It was conquered from the Saracens by King Sancho II. The King then gave it to the religious-military Order of Sant'Iago, who built a castle there with a Medieval keep. Perhaps the most charming aspect of the area, however, is the arrangement of the houses along the smooth, gentle slopes. The old white houses descend from the castle to the quiet waters of the River Guadiana below, where there is peaceful atmosphere, enhanced by the reflections of the white houses in the water.

24th May

Visit this beautiful city!

Beja, the former Pax Julia, is the capital of the Lower Alentejo district, a region of golden plains and gentle hills in the heart of the Alentejo, with its vast flatlands and endless horizons.
Hope you enjoy your weekend out! For more tips contact us!

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Traditional Houses Week in Lisbon

Praça da Figueira 29th 30th e 31st May From 10 a.m to 02 a.m free entry

All ages!

A partnership with the Regional Association of Homes will allow the return of an event that reflects the artistic abilities / social / cultural of the various Regional Houses of several Municipalities that exist in Lisbon. Crafts, food, dance, music and traditional games will be part of the wide range of events that will take place in one of the main Town Squares.

Lisbon Festivities - Festas de Lisboa 2009

Information on Lisbon Festivities and calendar coming up soon!

Keep checking out our blog!

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2009

Alentejo Coast "I could be there ‘till the end of time itself"

"Some of the fondest memories of my youth are related to the Alentejo Coast, specifically Praia da Galé, Lagoa de Melides and Lagoa de Santo André. Star gazing was such a delight that I wished I could be there ‘till the end of time itself. And the aroma of flowers and trees swirling around you as you drove by.I highly recommend a visit to the region. Beautiful Landscapes, mouth watering gastronomy, and a scent so unique that you must inhale it to acknowledge. Loved it, and I’m sure everyone else will, and I can think of no better way of going there then with PortugalTrails' highly capable and motivated team. It's a tailored experience that one treasures and remembers forever. Good luck to you!"
By Miguel Dias, Aveiro, Portugal

quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

10 Top Tips on Visiting Portugal

The secret of a memorable trip to Portugal remains on trying to escape the crowds and look for the out-of-the-way places. Many tourists still see Portugal as synonymous with Lisbon and the Algarve. However, there is so much more to see that you will lose half of the country’s enchantment and mystery if you stick to the busy places.

Here are 10 top tips on how to make the most out of your trip to Portugal:

1. Rent a car and drive around the country. It is possible to travel the entire length of the country by motorway (“A” roads), which is a great advantage for drivers. Motorways are not free and you will have to pay a toll. Also, be careful not to get onto the “Via Verde” lane as you join the motorway as these are only for “subscribed” drivers. The advantage is that you will be able to discover the country at your own pace and get away from the crowds.

2. Avoid weekends and public holidays when visiting major touristic sites, such as Sintra, Óbidos and others. These will likely be packed with people and you will have little chance of getting to know the “real” place. Remember that many Portuguese people take advantage of weekends and holidays to visit the country themselves.

3. While in Portugal, avoid all companies that advertise sightseeing tours at bargain or extremely attractive prices. You will likely spend a whole day stuck in a coach, stopping for 5 minutes for a quick photo, and travelling miles and miles. Many of these companies will try to impress you by the quantity of places you visit on a single day. The typical Lisbon - Óbidos – Alcobaça – Batalha – Nazaré – Leiria – Lisbon tour is simply too much and will wear you out! In addition, there is often no precise information about the size of the bus/ number of seats/number of languages spoken on tour! Get advice from Tourist Offices or other reliable sources.

4. Keep away from the déjà vu, clichéd sights. Although some of more historic, famous sights are unavoidable, you can find out hidden treasures. Some hints on places to discover:

· Historical Villages of Portugal - They are villages built in stone (essentially granite and sometimes schist), usually located on high mountain tops where the Portuguese could defend themselves against the Moors, the Spanish and even the French invaders. They are found in the Serra da Estrela area and near the border with Spain. Many stand inside castle walls and preserve traces of medieval times. They are villages where time has stopped, places that take us back to a far distant past: Piódão, Belmonte, Castelo Novo, Idanha-a-Velha, Monsanto, Almeida, Castelo Mendo, Castelo Rodrigo, Linhares da Beira, Marialva, Sortelha and Trancoso.

· Portuguese Nature Parks – Though not very well-known, these Parks are protected areas where the human presence is not very common and you can appreciate Nature’s appeal in all its magnitude. Go to Parque Natural da Arrábida (40 km from Lisbon) for walks or jeep tours ; Go to Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês (in the North) where you will find a wild and impressive landscape; Go to Reserva Natural do Estuário do Sado (near Setúbal) if you are particularly keen on dolphin or bird watching; Go to Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina, a region graced with a wild beauty that is extremely popular for water sports, particularly surfing and body boarding.

5. Take the opportunity to have an unforgettable experience. Take part in the harvest at the Alto Douro Wine Region in September at one of the many wine estates or have a cooking experience in the Alentejo region, where you will sample your own recipes. These are simply two of the things you can try out whilst in Portugal.

6. Hire a bike and discover the country while you keep fit: Cycle along Aveiro’s streets with a BUGA, a bicycle that can be hired for 1€ ; Ride a bike on the Guincho bicycle lane, a 5km lane that extends from the Casa da Guia, in Cascais town, to Guincho beach; Ramal de Mora lane in Évora, Alentejo, is a 20 km track available for walkers or cyclists, starting from Chafariz d’El Rei in Évora. Well, you will need to go to Portugal in order to discover all the cycle lanes available to sports lovers.

7. Go for a coffee in one of the historic, charming cafés of Portugal:
· A Brasileira, in Braga.
· Café Majestic in Porto, boasting an Art Nouveau façade, a luxurious tea room and huge Art Nouveau mirrors.
· Café Santa Cruz in Coimbra, a beautiful building with domed ceiling and stained glass windows.
· The renowned cafés of Lisbon: Café Nicola, in Rossio, with its Art Nouveau façade; Café Benárd, with a more classical decoration, and homemade confectionary specialities; A Brasileira , where you may sit next to the great poet Fernando Pessoa, sculpted in bronze as a mundane man having a little cup of coffee.

8. Look for a terrace that will literally take your breath away: The Casal de Loivos terrace, in the Alto Douro Wine Region. When you reach Casal de Loivos terrace (“miradouro,” in Portuguese) sit down and relax. Breathe in the silence and enjoy the peacefulness of the place. Watch the river flowing slowly past down below. An absolutely magnificent spot.

9. Visit Lisbon in May, when the city is covered with violet… The Jacaranda tree, an ornamental tree of Middle Eastern origin, blooms in an abundant, gorgeous manner all over Lisbon , painting it with a myriad of little violet flowers. This magnificent spectacle lasts for two to three weeks.

10. Visit the Alentejo region during spring time. The fields will be thickly covered with lovely, brilliantly-colored flowers and the plains, dotted with cork oak and olive trees, will create a wonderful opportunity to unwind and relax.

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

Baroque May in Óbidos
Abril 16th, 2009, in www.jornaldascaldas.com
It will take place, between the 2nd and 30th May, in the village of Óbidos, another edition of the season of music "May Baroque." Six concerts will be performed, divided into the sanctuary of the Senhor da Pedra and one in Auditorium São Tiago. Besides the musical component of this event, the schedule this year includes a thematic visit "Travel the Baroque in Óbidos" in the Town Hall Museum, on May 16th. Throughout the month of May, fans of classical music will have an opportunity to watch shows where the municipality, together with the Company Municipal Óbidos Patrimonium, focus on music quality, seeking to draw attention to the musical heritage of Óbidos.The tickets for the concert cost 5 euros and can be purchased at the Tourism Office of Óbidos. For holders of the card "Via Verde para a cultura" the entry is free.

Program is available in http://www.obidos.pt/.
For further information on Óbidos http://www.portugaltrails.com/showCity.php?id=26 .